Space facts - Tim Peake

We have learnt a lot about Neil Armstrong and you wrote a biography.
Can you research facts about Tim Peake focusing on a specific area (early life/ family / space) and then write a pararaph about him?


  1. i found out that Tim Peake he was born on the 7th.He was also the first english astronaut to go to space.OLIVER

  2. all the planets could fit in the hot roaring sun.alvaro

  3. I found out that tim died 20 days after his birthday

  4. the moon was formed 4.5billion years ago by a massiv collision between proto earth and another plaintoid tilly

  5. Tim Peake he landed back on earth on 16 June 2016 and was a pilot

  6. Tim Peake played water ping pong in space and the water looked like a flying bean.Also he works for ESA Astronaught Center and because you can jump high in space in makes me want to leap and YEET something. :) ;p

  7. he was the first british astronaught and the 2nd to bare a flag of the united kingdom patch

  8. This was alex soz didnt put name

  9. tim peak made history today as the first british astraunaut to preform a spacewalk he was born on the 7 th connie

  10. hE dIeD 20 DaYs AfTeR hIs BiRtHdAy HeIdI

  11. I found out that he was the first brit to go to the ISS witch was pretty inspierering to other kids who want to become astronauts. He also did a Q and A with some kids while in space that was very nice of him to do. Harry M

  12. He’s the eighth British person in space and spent six years training for the ISS mission. Heidi


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