5 things you would do if you got to travel to the moon

This week you have done a guided reading lesson on space tourism.
If you had the chance to visit the moon, what 5 things would you do?
Post your ideas in the comments section and be creative!


  1. Play fortnite, play dodge ball, tig and frisby.

  2. take a selfie, moon walk, play music, sports and get some rock.

    1. I should have known selfie would be on the list!

  3. Fly,get some rock,play ping pong,go with friends and take a TV

  4. get some rock,moon walk,run around,look back at earth and play football. Isabella

  5. take a picture , take some moon rock , enjoy the view , bounce :) , and try fit in one of the craters 🌗🌍

  6. Do a nerf war, take some rock, be superman, do a triple backflip and play cricket

  7. i would bounce, take pictures, have fun, go with friends, get some rock, take up food blankets beds so i can sleep, have a wonderful time, meet new people if they were there, take electronics so i can do research on space and people who went up there [neil armstrong] take my telescope to look down at earth and look at other planets, see some fwends, take my dog,mum and oscar.

  8. I would take some moon rock back home, take a lot of photos to remember, jump and fly around, play water ping pong and look back at earth 🌠🗺

  9. I would play football, try to push the moon, see if anyone could throw a rock into the sun, play water ping pong and eat the moon cheese. Aidan

    1. Thanks for the comment. That would be a good throw! How far is it from the moon to the sun?

  10. Gather moon rocks, search for aliens, drive a moon buggy, play sports, take lots of photos and search for other life.
    Oliver H

  11. i would fly, take some moon rock, try to fit in one of the craters, make a tiktok and moon walk :] [maja]

    1. Thanks Maja. Get practising your moon walk! You can show me when we're back at school!

  12. Put a flag in it to represent me and my victory, look out to earth and see the beautiful view, have a go at floating in air without gravity, look at the stars and do a tic tok video!

    1. Thanks for commenting Connie. Tik Tok video? Should i know what that is or am I too old?

    2. It’s a video that you make with special effects and music. There are lots of dances that people copy.


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